Make sure that you lift the kettlebell by incorporating your back muscles

I use a few different exercises, like the press-up, swings, and push-up, which help to build strength in my chest and back.

There are certain exercises that help you stay fit and toned, but I’m going to share just one, in no particular order. I like to call this the “Kettlebell to chest” exercise. The kettlebell to chest exercise is where you do the swing up with a kettlebell.


You’re going to go to the rack, and you’re going to lift the kettlebell to chest, and then you’re going to switch it around and try to do it that way. You’re going to try to work out that way. What you’re going to be doing is basically hitting the muscle that you’re trying to work out with the heavy weight. Remember that you have to have a solid core with any of these exercises. If you’re not strong in your core, you can hurt yourself because you don’t have as stable your core. Try to build that core using all these exercises, and then try to do one of these exercises after every workout or even every day. It’s always nice to stay on track with the workouts that you do—especially when they’re going to help you stay lean and toned.

📣 🏔️ 😓

Want to stay focused, and get your training routine back on track? Here are some of my favorite exercises with the jump rope that keep me from getting bored. The Knee-to-chest jump is my personal favorite exercise, because it helps me stay toned and happy, and it’s one of my favorite exercises in general. Here is a photos of me doing the knee-to-chest jump with a duvide training jump rope.